Join Us!
Two Rivers Choir Membership
New Singers Invited!
Rehearsals begin Sunday, Jan 5, and Tuesday, Jan 7, 2020
Our mission is to support singers in becoming their best selves, and to give back to the community through fundraising concerts. Rehearsals are nurturing, inspirational, educational, and fun, and include vocal technique and tips.
We welcome all voices (all genders, adults and older teens).
Membership is open to anyone who is interested and can commit to regular weekly rehearsals.
The semester fee includes all music and rehearsal space. We are supported solely through dues. All concert proceeds are donated to area non-profits. Each year, members of the chorus choose a different non-profit to support.

No auditions required.
Interested singers can join during either of the first two rehearsals of each semester. Join us for one rehearsal, and see if we are a match! No strings attached.
Musical Styles
Our music covers an eclectic, diverse range, including but not limited to: gospel, contemporary, folk, Renaissance, and shape-note, to name a few. We represent cultures from South African, Germany, Estonia, Japan, Russia, and more, as well as highlighting talented composers from right here in New England.
Spring 2020 Rehearsal & Performance Schedule
Spring 2020 semester runs Jan 5 (or 7) - April 19 (26)
There are two separate rehearsal sessions of Two Rivers Community Choir:
Tuesday evenings from 6:30 - 8:45 PM in Peterborough, NH, or
Sundays from 3:00 - 5:30 pm in Peterborough, NH
Combined Choir Dress Rehearsal Saturday, April 18
Performance is Sunday, April 19
Spring and Fall Semester Start Dates
Rehearsals begin the first week of January for the spring term, and the week after Labor Day, for the fall term. Some singers join both sessions!
Each semester the Tuesday and Sunday sessions combine for one or two Sunday evening performances, in Jaffrey and Peterborough. These concerts are fund raisers for non-profits within the Monadnock community.
Fee Structure
Fees are due at the beginning of each semester, and cover all expenses of membership: rental of rehearsal space, music, cd's, mp3 recordings, website maintenance, and the fair compensation of the director and other important staff (administrative assistant, etc).
Choir Membership dues: $155
Senior/Family/Buddy discounted dues: $135
Student discounted dues: $75
No singer will be turned away for inability to pay.
We have a scholarship fund, offer family/buddy, student, and senior discounts, as well as payment arrangements.
Donate to the Scholarship Fund